
Public WiFi: What’s The Big Deal?

Order a coffee. Grab a seat. Connect to the public Wi-Fi. Get hacked. Surely, it’s not that simple, right?


Order a coffee. Grab a seat. Connect to the public Wi-Fi. Get hacked. Surely, it’s not that simple, right? Believe it or not, stealing data over unencrypted connections (as most public networks are) takes no special hacking skills. Instead, all it takes is data-stealing software (such as packet analyzers) and a motivated cyber criminal!

ONE: Don’t connect to public Wi-Fi. It’s not ideal, but it’s also not paranoia. Security first!

TWO: Always use a virtual private network (VPN) on every device. VPNs provide encrypted connections that help prevent criminals from stealing your data. But even with a VPN enabled, it’s still wise to avoid logging into sensitive accounts or making purchases online.